Unscripted with IMF Leaders

Episode 4: Dr. Tim Elmore - “A New Kind of Diversity”

International Ministerial Fellowship Season 1 Episode 4

People talk a lot about diversity today-ethnic, gender, and income diversity. But there is an elephant in the room. A different kind of diversity exists: generational diversity. This session explores the characteristics of each generation working today and how to leverage them to be your competitive advantage. Too often we stereotype, taking mental shortcuts and profiling young or old team members. This session offers practical strategies to bring out the best in each generation.
Dr. Tim's expertise on the emerging generation and generational diversity in the workplace has garnered media coverage in The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes.com, USA Today and The Washington Post.

Dr. Tim Elmore is the founder and CEO of Growing Leaders. His work grew out of 20 years of serving alongside Dr. John C. Maxwell. Elmore has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, USA Today, Psychology Today and he’s been featured on CNN’s Headline News and Fox and Friends. Tim has written over 35 books, including Habitudes: Images That Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes.

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