Unscripted with IMF Leaders

Episode 5: Pastor Smart Succession Process with Dave Travis

Season 1 Episode 5

In today's episode, Pastor John dives into succession planning with Dave Travis.

Succession is the intentional transition of power, authority and responsibility from one primary leader to another. In most of these cases the Senior Leader seeks to productively transition their own ministry and the life of the church to a new season. Many of these are founders, or “founder-like” in that the ministry has significantly grown over many years of ministry. The church is often ill-prepared to deal with the situation because of the size of the church. Copying another church’s process is often not the best choice for many churches. Why? Because each church has unique dynamics and cultures.

Dave Travis has advised large church pastors for over 30 years. Twenty-three of those years were spent with Leadership Network, where he led the large church area and then retired as CEO in 2018.

Since then, he has worked with dozens of churches and their leaders, helping guide them to solve wicked, sticky challenges through his role as Director of Strategic Counsel to Pastors and Church Boards at Generis.

Website: https://generis.com/team/dave-travis/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davetravisnow/
Twitter: @davetravis
Other: https://churchleaderinsider.substack.com/

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