Unscripted with IMF Leaders

Episode 6: Where Hope Is with Pastor Luke Barnett

International Ministerial Fellowship Season 1 Episode 6

Luke Barnett is a charismatic pastor, husband, father, author, international speaker and visionary. Luke and his wife, Angel, have been married over 25 years and have two daughters, Aubrey and Annalee. Luke is Senior Pastor of Dream City Church (DCC), with eight campuses and a church body of over 30,000 people. He is driven by a God-inspired vision to see Arizona become known as a Christian state.

Pastor Luke is a passionate advocate of human trafficking rescue and
humanitarian relief. According to the U.S. State Department, Arizona is the
main destination and transit point for labor and sex trafficking, both
nationally and internationally. The Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Colorado City
Dream Centers, along with StreetLightUSA, now house the world’s largest
human trafficking rescue and recovery programs, earning a 92% success rate with over 2,800 girls rescued to date, some as young as nine years old. At the Phoenix Dream Center 126 babies were born during the girls’ time in the program.

The Colorado City Dream Center rescues women and children from the polygamist cult led by Warren Jeffs, who is currently serving a life plus 20-year prison sentence. The Dream Center provides hope, emotional support, education, food, identity recovery, and job placement as part of a transition plan, moving victims from an oppressive socialistic community to a healthy, restored, modern economy.

The Dream Centers are also dedicated to feeding and serving the homeless, housing, and empowering military veterans, caring for aged-out foster kids, and recovering individuals struggling with addiction. These programs impact over 45,000 people weekly through hundreds of recovery initiatives, food distribution centers, housing, education, and job placements. Even the jails and prison systems are reached with 44 different church services to thousands of inmates each week. Ultimately, the individuals in our programs enter back into society with a 91% success rate.

Luke has led the outreach arm of Dream City Church to be stronger than ever through ministries that reach locally, regionally, and globally; Thrive, Where Hope Lives, StreetlightUSA, Mom’s Pantry, Adopt-A-Block, Celebrate Recovery, Grief Share, and The Dream Centers are great examples of... “finding a need and filling it, finding a hurt and healing it.”

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