Unscripted with IMF Leaders

Episode 9: Hope Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Sexually & Relationally Broken

International Ministerial Fellowship Season 1 Episode 9

Pastor John Braland takes a deep dive with Pastor Stephen Black on a highly controversial topic in today's world: Finding Freedom from Homosexuality and Living A Life Free from Labels.

Pastor, Speaker, and Author, Stephen Black, Gives Hope Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Sexually & Relationally Broken.

Stephen was called by God into ministry through the healing he received himself. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, he was wounded and confused during his teenage years, drawn into homosexuality; and lived gay-identified for 8 years.   Acquainted with the grief of sexual sin and abuse, Stephen’s heart is to make known what he discovered - that Jesus Christ has come to set the captives free, and that the grace of God is transformative, that The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives! 

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